The World Is In Play and Sony wants you to be a part of it

Posted February 14, 2012 by Gabriel May in PS Vita, Sony, Trailers

To celebrate the upcoming PS Vita European launch (22nd February), Sony, to kickstart their PS Vita campaign in Europe, have released a new TV ad to show “the immersive, powerful and connected gaming experiences that PS Vita offers.”

When it comes to adverts, Sony are known to not play it straight and instead go the symbolic route and they show no signs of going against that method when it comes to promoting the PS Vita in Europe and while the Japanese PS Vita ads were eyebrow-raising weird, this one has its own weird charm.

The PS Vita ad shows a bunch of people in seemingly mundane places (beach, bus stop, nail salon, a train and an underground station) and at the end of the advert emerge in more exciting places (a war zone, football pitch, A exotic land, a boxing ring and…some flying thing) while spouting stuff about seeing the unexpected and not being alone. Or something along those lines.

Some people are going to think the ad is clever and some will think it’s just nonsense. Personally I’m use to Sony being like this (remember the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 campaign adverts when it came to promoting the system?) so I just shrug my shoulders and move along.

But what do you think of the advert. Check it out below and comment on your thoughts.

Source: PlayStation.Blog


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