A few weeks ago it was announced that there will certainly be a season three to The Walking Dead.  The signs of just how season three might develop perhaps begin to become clear within episode 4 Amid the Ruins.

Fans of this gaming series will be well aware of the testing journey that our Clem has taken, because we’ve been on that emotional rollercoaster since the very beginning.  During previous episodes of season two, Clem has begun to show signs of ruthlessness; a sign that she’s truly adapting to this world, hell it’s even fair to say that in some cases she’s embracing this harsh world.  Of course this may differ from your own experience of The Walking Dead, because as you know, this journey is individual to the player, depending on the choices that you have made along the way.

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Some of those tough choices that you as a player have made, not only tested Clem during the game, but also you as a person, begging the ever common question “would I really do that?”  Never the less, most of the choices had to be made, some of which were also forced upon.  Yet most of the characters in the game will always looked at Clem as a child, even though she’s probably been through much more then they have.  The one character that perhaps doesn’t treat Clem this way, is our long running associate and friend, good old Kenny.

Though the way some of the characters see Clem, has begun to change quite a bit and now even some of the older members of the group are looking at Clem to make certain decisions.  Are these fully grown adults, who perhaps once had families of their own, now looking at Clem as a leader?  During Amid the Ruins, this is certainly starting to look the case.

The burden is certainly becoming increasingly difficult for Clem to carry, as not only is she looked upon to make very big decisions at times, but mistakes will also have consequences within the group and the group will not always respond to Clem as if she we’re a child anymore.  Certain group members are also showing signs of breaking and are struggling to cope in this world.  But how far will Clem take them?  How many mistakes will she make and what repercussions will there be for those actions?

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There have of course been major repercussions throughout the two seasons, but now with the announcement of season three, you can start to see signs of what perhaps is to come.  It does seem odd that many of the characters couldn’t arrange a piss up in a brewery and some of the indecisiveness does seem rather odd as they look to Clem to make the decisions.  But this is the world that Clem lives in, perhaps because the older group members have had so much more time to be set in their ways, it’s difficult for them to adapt somewhat.  Unlike Clem, who has been a child throughout, and still is.

Episode three may not in my opinion have quite the memorable moments that previous episodes   have boasted, but in some way it’s the most decisive episode yet from season two.  Clem is not only living and breathing in this world, but she’s also becoming this world.  It’s a scary thought as to where this journey might lead come the end of season two, but this is after all The Walking Dead universe that we all know and love.

After the slow start that season two had, it looked as if it would never top that amazing first season.  Now I’m not to say that it will, but it just might.  This dark world is taking a drastic turn for the worse and you’re going love every living nightmare minute of it.  Amid the Ruins leaves you on one hell of a cliffhanger and there’s no better namesake for the forthcoming final episode.  Roll on the ever developing evolution of Clementine; roll on episode five “No Turning Back”.

Click here for the final episode, No Going Back