Crackdown 2 Pack Shot!

Posted April 30, 2010 by Marshall in Retail, Xbox 360

Cracking down to Crackdown 2 pack shot! have to say there’s allot going on this cover… WE LIKE IT!


What first came to mind is i love how they have done some sort of shell shaded/comic book style effects on the amour of the Crackdown 2 characters and surroundings. You can also notice there is a fight happening on the roof with some KO’d enemy’s whilst the rest of the Crackdowners are jumping away from the fire.

We can also notice that we see a silenced weapon on the cover which means there could be a few customizable weapons or just general specialized silenced weapons.

Thanks Microsoft Games Studios for teasing us even more.  Crackdown 2 will be releasing on 6/7/2010

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