Want To Be A Hair Stylist On Your Wii And Ds?

Posted March 3, 2010 by Marshall in DS, Wii


Little Orbit have announced a game for Wii and Ds that will involve you cutting and styling peoples’ hair. Good news for all you lot wanting to study hairdressing. Will it be educational or just for fun? Lets take a look…

The game will be called Busy Scissors and will involve lead hair stylists Tony and Guy. Don’t expect a game where hair cutting is your only goal however. There will be a variety of features for all you eager Gok Wan’s of the hair world. You can perm, colour, shampoo, cut, style and blow dry your hair on your way to infinite hair stardom. You will build up a reputation in glorious Hollywood and be styling the hair of Hollywood’s rich and famous. I doubt the chiwawa’s hair will need styling but you never know.

‘Lifestyle’s of the rich and the famous their always complaining, always complaining!’

Imagine if Paris Hilton walked in and actually asked for that. I would actually cut into her face with my computer generated scissors.

I’m sidetracking. I apologise Visitors.

The game will feature over 35 hairstyles, 30 mini-games and 6 career levels which will provide realistic gameplay, humour and entertainment.


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