Latest Skyward Sword HD Videos Highlight Save Features And New Free Camera

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the legend of zelda

Credit: Nintendo

Two of the latest videos for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD have highlighted two of the key improvements made to the remaster.

Earlier in the month, quality of life improvements such as an improved framerate and visuals, the ability to skip dialogue and cutscenes, an autosave function and more.

As mentioned above, we already knew that Skyward Sword HD will feature an autosave. But now we know that by visiting a Bird Statue in-game, we can now also manual save with three available slots.

We now also know that a free camera will be implemented in Skyward Sword HD, a basic feature that wasn’t included in the 2011 Wii original.

The reason why the Wii version didn’t have a free camera was due to the Nunchuk and Wii remote design. On the Wii version of Skyward Sword, there was only one analogue stick which was on the Nunchuk.

So, the single analogue stick was used to control Link. However, now that the Nintendo Switch has two analogue sticks, we can now move Link and rotate a free camera. Rejoice.

You can check out both videos highlighting the improvements in the tweets above. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD releases this Friday on July 16th for the Nintendo Switch.

Featured Image Credit: Nintendo