Here’s Some Comparison Screenshots for the Demon’s Souls Remake

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At the PlayStation 5 reveal event last week, was the announcement of the Demon’s Souls, a remake of the 2009 PS3 classic, to be developed by Japan Studio and Bluepoint Games (Shadow of the Colossus remake).  This will be a remake from the ground-up and will utilise the power of the PS5 console making use of the improved shadow effects, as well as the ray-tracing technology.  Players will also have the option of prioritising between graphics or framerate.

However, thanks to Twitter user IllusoryWall, host of Dark Souls Dissected, he has taken the time to gather some screenshots taken from the 2009 original, to compare them side-by-side with the remake, so thank you.  You can check out the comparison screenshots below and I’ll also include the announcement trailer.

Demon’s Souls will be a PlayStation 5 exclusive and while it currently has no release date, it wouldn’t surprise me if it released sometime during 2021.



Source: Twitter