Strategic Defence Game Krinkle Krusher Headed To Sony Consoles Early 2015

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Posted January 7, 2015 by John Little in Announcements, Gaming News, PS Vita, PS3, PS4, Screenshots, Trailers


Cutesy strategic defence game Krinkle Krusher has been given a broad release window of early 2015 for PS Vita, PS3 and PS4.

You are expected to defend your castle and the magical tree within it (as well as, inexplicably, a cake) from waves of enemies called Krinkles. This magical tree stopped bearing fruit for centuries, but suddenly started growing them again, thus awakening the Krinkles who want to eat them.

At your disposal you have a selection of spells – each ostensibly based on elements. The trailer (above) shows these in action, of which we can see fire walls, ice, tornados, ‘energy mines’ and mud pits.

It all looks rather colourful, if a tad simplistic. There are supposedly 60 stages (spread over 3 areas – the castle walls, a swamp and a forest), within which you can learn new spells, find items and acquire magic gems to upgrade your spells.

The game does look decidedly ‘mobile’, however that’s not an inherent condemnation – as long as there’s enough variety and challenge in those 60 stages.

You can check out the trailer above, as well as the screenshots below.