Aliens: Fireteam is Left 4 Dead but with Xenomorph’s

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Like a Facehugger out of nowhere, Aliens: Fireteam has been revealed!

I love the Aliens franchise, but I knew nothing about Aliens: Fireteam and it instantly reminded me of Left 4 Dead but with Xenomorphs!

Developed by Cold Iron Studios, Aliens: Fireteam will have you join other players to form a Fireteam of marines to fight hordes of Xenomorph’s and dare I say it, it might look fun.

However, we’ve all been burned with the Aliens franchise in particular with Aliens: Colonial Marines.  Though Alien: Isolation is a fantastic, but very different game.

So as excited as I am with my first impressions of Aliens: Fireteam, I will restrain myself from being overly-excited until we see some actual, uncut gameplay.

You can watch the announcement trailer for Aliens: Fireteam below and be sure to let us know what you think across our social media channels.

Aliens: Fireteam will release this summer for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.