Blood Bowl 2 Touching Down On PS4 & Xbox One

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Posted December 8, 2014 by Brett Claxton in Announcements, PC, PS4, Trailers, Xbox One

American Football is a fun but slow paced game, so what could be done to make it even slower but even more fun? Blood Bowl (2009) answered that with style. Based on the Games Workshop board game of the same name, Blood Bowl was a surprising hit when it was released on PC, Xbox 360 and handhelds 5 years ago. The game was able to be played turn-based or in real-time and had two goals: score the most touchdowns or kill off the opposing team.

Blood Bowl 2 had previously been announced for PC, but we didn’t know if it would be making an appearance on the Xbox One and PS4, so it’s great to see that it will be appearing on both. Although better graphics than before are obvious, it’s not overly clear yet what else will appear in the game to make it stand out from its predecessor. Expect to see the game touchdown (sorry) in Spring next year with an exact date hopefully coming soon. Catch the console announcement trailer below.