DICE Confirm New Content For Battlefield 4

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Posted December 10, 2014 by Aidan Coxon in Announcements, Gaming News, PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One


Battlefield developers DICE have confirmed that new content will be coming to Battlefield 4. It was confirmed by a news post on the Battlelog Blog which firmly states the point that the Final Stand add-on for Battlefield 4, the most recent (and previously last) content pack that was going to be released, is most definitely not the last. I’m glad that Battlefield 4‘s content support is being prolonged as the October patch was large enough to fix most of the issues with the game, as well as re-working a lot of features which were unbalanced or unfair, and I would love to be able to try out these features properly on new maps.

Curiously, DICE have also created a survey which asks people to choose which maps from all the previous Battlefield games (right back to Battlefield 1942!) they would like to see re-imagined in Battlefield 4 and its Frostbite 3 engine. This hints that one content pack that will be released could be a group of re-imagined maps, or maybe even a series of content packs with re-imagined maps from all the previous titles. I’m excited to see what gets announced for the game while I wait for Battlefield Hardline to be released next year, which is also shaping up to be brilliant!