Elden Ring Has Gone Gold!

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elden ring

Credit: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco

It’s official, FromSoftware’s Elden Ring has finally gone gold! This means its main cycle of development is complete and the game is ready for sale.

Nowadays, even when a game goes gold, it still doesn’t always mean that the game is ready, and the game would still require a number of patches. However, I have a degree of trust with FromSoftware that Elden Ring should release with minimal issues. Though I’m sure it will still require one or two patches.

elden ring

Credit: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco

The news of Elden Ring going gold was confirmed by FromSoftware producer Yasuhiro Kitao during the Taipei Game Show. “The master version has already been submitted, and right now, the team is working on a day one patch to make sure everything in the game is just so.

So, there you have it, with a month away, Elden Ring is just about ready for us to play. Rejoice! Elden Ring will release for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S on February 25th.

Featured Image Credit: Bandai Namco/FromSoftware