Kickstarter’s Goetia Looks Beautifully Ominous

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Posted January 25, 2015 by Haris Iqbal in Announcements, Gaming News, Kickstarter, News, Videos


What can be creepier then haunted British mansions during World War II and what can be sadder than a lonely ghost questioning tragic things about his surroundings? To answer those questions, Square Enix Collective is supporting a unique looking point and click adventure game through Kickstarter that follows a dead woman’s ghost as she tries to explore her surroundings and answer some key questions “Where is everybody? Why have you returned?” And what has your family gotten mixed up with since your death…?

Goetia is being designed by a French studio called Sushee, with strong design from French artist Moeity, and with some nice twists on the classic adventure game style, the team is seeking $30,000 to complete the game (which is already partway through development).

We’re really excited to see what people think of Goetia, as we start our Kickstarter today.” said Benjamin Anseaume, Goetia’s lead designer and project director. “It’s a great way for us to get feedback from gamers to help us make the game as good as possible, plus we get to retain creative control and full independence. Thanks for all your support!