Batman’s butler has a search engine?

Posted October 18, 2011 by George Harvey in Announcements, Articles

Batman’s trustworthy butler Alfred Pennyworth seems to have gotten his hands dirty and has surprised us all with the launch of his shiny new search engine to celebrate the launch of Batman Arkham City. You can find the site by clicking here.

The iconic and somewhat mysterious butler will now be able to offer an array of online services by serving fans and new comers alike with an intriguing and fully functional search engine hosted entirely by the man himself. However, certain keywords may provide you with some exclusive content such as screenshots, audio files and even the chance to win an Xbox 360 console.

Such Keywords will no doubt be hidden through out the launch campaign as the ever cunning minds at Weapon7 have devised a number of cryptic clues that would surely put the Riddler to shame. These mind melting puzzles will require you to take action to explore and uncover the exclusive content hidden throughout the net. I would recommend searching for such things like “Batman” or “Arkham City” for your head-start.

The wise and cunning Alfred will also be leaving his fair share of clues by making full use of the social media via @arkhamcitynews and Xbox’s various Facebook channels and games forums which should allow fans to pick up on even more clues unlocking all sorts of secret content.

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