LucasArts Hiring for Unannounced FPS Project

Posted July 10, 2012 by Josh Curtis in Announcements, Articles, Gaming News, Industry, News

According to a recently posted LucasArts recruitment page, the studio behind all things Star Wars are looking for a team dedicated to an unannounced FPS project. One job description, that of the Senior Core Engineer position, listed the task of implementing “features and optimizations on current and Future Generation console and PC hardware.” If we are to believe that the next generation of consoles are just around the corner, we could be seeing more information on this project sooner than rather than later.

LucasArts posted four total positions to its recruiting page related to an FPS title: Senior AI Engineer, Senior Animator, Senior Core Engineer, and Gameplay Engineer, the last of which requires proficiency in Unreal Engine 3 and UnrealScript.


Josh Curtis