Dead Rising 3 – Zombies Aren’t Your Only Enemy

Posted September 12, 2013 by Ciaran Allen in Gaming News, Xbox One

Dead Rising 3 - CopyIt has emerged that zombies won’t be the only enemy that will be attempting to tear protagonist Nick Ramos and Co. apart in upcoming Xbox One exclusive Dead Rising 3. With characters known as “Psychos” now taking the role of optional antagonists that can, and quite likely will, be encountered throughout the story, we see another potential threat amongst the few thousand undead that we already knew about and, of course, a few more ways for us to have fun (seven, to be precise).


The psychos are now one of the 2 main types of non-zombie enemies that will be encountered in Dead Rising 3. Whilst there will be storyline related human enemies that are unavoidable if you want to progress through the game, the psychos will now act as a reward or hindrance – depending on your level of sadism – for those of us that venture further into the nooks and crannies of the game.

So the psychos – that Capcom Vancouver have ever so tactically teased us about – are basically a bunch of deranged survivors that have been mentally ravaged by the impact of apocalyptic life. There are seven of them, too, which allows for a nice little tie-in with the seven deadly sins and grants them all a persona that we’re sure to hear more about in the build up to release.

In an interview with the Post Arcade, the game’s Senior Producer Jason Leigh and Executive Producer Josh Bridge both revealed that the dark nature of the psychos had brought a certain degree of friction between the game and the parental ratings agencies in a number of countries, with Leigh saying “We kept hearing ‘we’ve found an incredibly offensive corner of your game, it’s a psycho.” This signals to me that they are really focusing on making each encounter with these individuals memorable and bound to cause controversy.

For now, we have been left with details of one seventh of the psychos, “Greed” (pictured above), who wears a necklace of fingers and looks like a dentist that is searching for people who haven’t eaten an apple a day. Charming bloke.

Dead Rising 3 is an Xbox One exclusive and will launch alongside Microsoft’s console on November 22nd.

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