GlesGames – The Community Event that keeps growing & giving

Posted January 5, 2016 by Richard Lee Breslin in Gaming News, GlesGames


The word “community” gets used often in the videogame industry, but no arguably no word better describes our shared bond.  Whether it is a part of a Fireteam in Destiny, treasure hunting in the Elders Scrolls Online or attending big gaming events in the UK such as EGX or Rezzed, it’s all about bringing gamers together that share the same passion and love for their favourite past time.

With the exception of a few games that I play, when I think of the word “community” when associated with gaming, I think back to my early years of playing games of FIFA or Street Fighter against friends on a couch, or even better still, four-player mayhem with Mario Kart 64 and the legend that is Goldeneye.  This is where the ever growing Scottish gaming event comes into play with GlesGames, which is already approaching its 6th event with GlesGames Galaxy.


The greatest aspect that comes with GlesGames is that it brings friends and strangers together for some classic and modern local multiplayer, as well as some good grub and beverages.  Created and hosted by one of Push-Starts former and much loved writers, Simon Marshall has achieved great success already in its early days with GlesGames and is a community event in every sense of the word.

Simon Marshall had this to say on what the spirit of GlesGames means to him:

GlesGames is much for than an event for me. It offers like-minded people the chance to experience games in the way which I grew up playing games. All those nights I would spend playing Italia 90 and Street Fighter II with my big brother will probably live with me forever. With everything being online based these days, it’s an amazing feeling to see so many people laughing and joking with people who they have never met before.

Now that people around my age have grown up and have responsibilities, there isn’t always time to get together with other people who you can experience amazing games with. Games such as Mario Kart 8, TowerFall Ascension, Nidhogg, Mount Your Friends and Gang Beasts are all better experienced in the company of others.


It’s hard to believe that it’s not even been a year since the first GlesGames event took place in Glasgow less than a year ago of May 2015.  You only have to look at the early photos via the official Facebook page to see that GlesGames has been immensely popular from the get-go.  We’ve all been there before with our childhood friends, holding our own FIFA/Street Fighter tournaments, all for the almighty bragging rights, this is one of the many pleasures that this unique event brings.  But as much of a motivating goal that the well-deserved bragging rights may bring, the lure of fantastic prizes on offer such as WWE games signed by WWE Superstars, Amiibo’s and more, all adds to the sweet cherry on top when partaking in a GlesGames tournament.

With a whole host of games from AAA’s to loved Indies, no matter your generation or personal preference, there’s something to suit any gamers needs and as an added bonus, you stand a great chance of meeting some fantastic people that share the same passion as you.  As far as Simon is concerned, this is just the beginning for his baby and is excited for the future of GlesGames:

In terms of how far the event has come, I’m extremely proud of what it has achieved. As we now approach our sixth and biggest event to date, I’m delighted with the way in which things are going and hopefully GlesGames can continue to grow in the future


So whether you fancy pitting your skills against like minded gamers, sampling some great food and having a few beers (or soft drinks), if you’re near Glasgow on Saturday January 16th between the hours of 5pm to 12:00am, you owe it to yourself to attend this unique gaming community event.

You can be kept up to date over at the official GlesGames Facebook and Twitter pages and you can order your tickets here.

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