Check out the Max Payne 3: Design & Technology Video – Visual Effects and Cinematics

Posted March 15, 2012 by Gabriel May in Announcements, Gaming News, Trailers

Rockstar Games have finally unveiled the Max Payne 3: Design & Technology video – Visual Effects and Cinematics.

In what looks like the first of a series on the design and technology aspects of Max Payne, this video describes how the Max Payne 3 moves from cutscene to gameplay in a smooth way as to not disrupt the experience and also hide away loading screens, how the infamous “comic-panel cutscene” from the first two games has evolved and changed and yet still have a familiarity to it to make fans smile, how each location is detailed (and based on a real areas in Sao Paulo, Brazil), -my personal fave – destructible environments, being able to explore and different shooting and reloading animations depending on the weapon.

Whenever the gameplay is any good is the main question, but presentation wise Rockstar Studios have done a damn good job with Max Payne 3.

Max Payne 3: Design & Technology Video

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