Star Wars 1313 Gameplay Revealed

Posted June 5, 2012 by Shaun Greenhaff in All, Announcements, E3, Gaming News, Industry, Trailers

Star Wars 1313, a name that sent fans crazy with the prospect of a game starring everyone’s favourite bounty hunter Boba Fett (he once used CT-1313 as a callsign), has finally been shown off and we know now what it is. Rather than an open galaxy mass effect style game following Boba Fett from planet to planet as he hunts bounties we instead play as an as yet unnamed bounty hunter. In fact everything we know can be summed up in a sentence. We play a bounty hunter in what is promised to be a mature, gritty Star Wars title that looks a lot like Nathan Drake: Bounty Hunter.

Seriously, watch the below videos:

While the first video sets up the story it doesn’t tell us anything, where are they (presumably Coruscant by the look of the holomap), who are they, and whats on level 1313? All it tells us is it looks pretty.

Then we get to video 2, where we start to be unable to tell cutscene from gameplay as the action kicks into a cover based third person shooter with melee attacks reminiscent of Nathan Drakes. Though we are promised to have access to weapons and items that will make us feel more like a bounty hunter.

The third video destroys the line between watching and playing completely, with absolutely astounding graphics (it was later confirmed that this demo was running on a high end PC I believe, no consoles have been confirmed yet) as an action heavy set piece explodes around the player as they climb their way to safety, not dissimilar to a certain Naughty Dog franchise.

Star Wars games have always been at their best when they’re borrowing from an established franchise and putting a Star Wars spin on them, rather than trying to create an overly ambitious project from the ground up, so if they really are building an Uncharted style bounty hunter game that is definitely alright with me. I can’t wait to see and hear more, though I have a feeling it’s going to be at least a couple of years yet, possibly even into the next generation if they want to keep the game looking like that for everyone…

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