Iron Man 2 Review

Posted May 2, 2010 by Jay Wheeler in Entertainment

Co-Written By Jay Wheeler and Alex Nichols

Iron Man 2… Ill start by simply saying there were parts I liked and parts I didn’t like…. The thing I disliked about it was the constant attempt at humour. There not doing themselves any favours by hiring Jon Favreau as director. Its not right to make a comical actor a director, they’ll constantly be throwing fart and boob jokes that comic book fans don’t find funny. Another thing is something I’ve been seeing way too much of is CGI, every single movie now must contain Computer generated images. What happened to good old sets and locations, now everything is filmed beside a green screen. What’s more is the dreaded introduction of Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury. What happened there honestly, can there not be a film anymore without him in it? His cosy little chat with Stark seemed to be nothing more than irritating! I couldn’t see beyond Jackson as every character he plays blends into one…

Other than these points I found the film refreshing compared the droll introduction to Tony Stark in the first Iron Man film. Personally I found the first film to go from good to boring to a tad better at the end. But this one kept giving us something to be interested in… Ivan Vanko (Whiplash), Justin Hammer, Black Widow, lots of intriguing new characters and great metal suit fight scenes.  A thing that also caught my eye was the subtle suggestions to much anticipated later Marvel movies… Captain America’s Shield, S.H.I.E.L.D documents, and if you play the usual Marvel waiting game until after the credits you get a glimpse of something rather special.

Seeing this legendary comic character transposed onto the screen was a joy for me, the first created a suitable introduction and this didn’t fail to build on Stark’s story! Before going to see it myself I thought I should check out our competitions opinion of it; turns out they don’t think highly of it. Saying things like ‘not enough Iron man, too much Tony Stark.’ And I reply to that by saying; WRONG! There was no need to have a man in a metal suit paraded around in front of us throughout, there was enough action, story, special effects (sometimes too much) and sneaky references (such as Stan Lee’s customary cameo, this time as TV and radio master Larry King) to keep the average viewer and the comic fanatics alike more than entertained. And I will finish by saying a truly out of sight performance from Mickey Rourke who danced circles around his co-stars, including Don Cheadle who thankfully took over from Terrence Howard in the role of Rhodey and Sam Rockwell’s Justin Hammer, but I’ve got to give it to the man, he is a fantastic dancer.

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