Justice League Update: JGL To Feature Alongside Henry Cavill’s Superman?

Posted November 29, 2012 by Matthew Smith in Articles, Entertainment, Film News, Films, News, Rumour

So, what’s the deal with this? A Justice League movie is happening? It isn’t happening? It is happening again?

Well, A Justice League movie is in fact happening, and it will be released through Warner Bros. (home of The Dark Knight Trilogy and the upcoming Man of Steel), but that is literally all we can officially go on at this point. IMDB lists it as having a 2015 release date and indeed a writer in the form of Will Beall (Gangster Squad), but with the way plans are chopped and changed these days, IMDB can occasionally be about as reliable as Wikipedia. Nevertheless, the fact that this movie is happening is enough to get somewhat excited as it is almost guaranteed to feature the return of Batman for the first time since the conclusion of The Dark Knight Rises. Obviously, the question on everyone’s lips is going to predictably be, ‘will John Blake return as the Batman?’, and more interestingly, if Blake returns, will he be in the form of Joseph Gordon-Levitt? The answer unfortunately (at this point) is no.

After Zack Snyder spoke to the New York Post recently stating:

“I don’t know how Justice League is going to be handled. Honestly, I don’t. But Man of Steel exists, and Superman is in it. I don’t know how you’d move forward without acknowledging that,”

the journalist he was speaking to used their finest investigative journalist skills to pry a little further. And upon prying about a definite tie between Man of Steel and Justice League, Snyder responded:

“Um, how can I answer that? I can’t really say anything to that, because that’s a big spoiler. I will say, yeah, they trust me to keep them on course.”

To me, that says that Man of Steel is a direct precursor to the Justice League movie, whenever that will end up being. Which, in itself, is huge news considering that in March, Snyder distanced his Superman from the Superman of the planned Justice League film, hinting that perhaps two Supermen could exist within the DC universe of films. In retrospect, he probably only said that to deflect the prying questions of fanboy bloggers (guilty as charged).

Rumours this week surfaced about a potential John Blake cameo, which have since been quashed, and upon the inevitable rumour of Gordon-Levitt taking up the cape and cowl in Justice League, Hollywood.com were able to snag a response from one of JGL’s reps who ‘refuted the rumour entirely’; a response which literally means nothing at this stage of the game. Basically, that just means nothing is official and no contracts have been signed. It hardly means that it’s ‘not going to happen’.

A lot of talk about a film with so few secure details, but regardless of that fact, we’re simply speculating about the DC equivalent of Marvel’s The Avengers. As far as superhero films go, this is about as exciting as it gets if (for arguement’s sake) you’re of the belief that Batman and Superman are the two single most iconic superheroes of all time. Then there’s the obvious query as to how much (if any) involvement will Christopher Nolan have with the Justice League movie considering his massive involvement in Man of Steel.

And finally, the nagging question of…

…will Ryan Reynolds return as The Green Lantern?


Man of Steel is released on June 14th, 2013 via Warner Bros. 


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