The gears are officially turning for a Gears of War movie!



During a livestream for Gears of War 4, Studio Head at The Coalition Rod Fergusson confirmed that a Gears of War movie is officially in the works.


During the livestream, Fergusson stated that Microsoft is teaming up with Universal and the movie is currently in pre-production.  He also said that the Gears of War movie won’t follow any specific storyline from any of the games.  Which personally, I’m happy about that because it should ensure that there are plenty of opportunities to provide the element of surprise, though it will of course have some ties to the videogames at least.


Fergusson also said that “I want it to be this thing where it feels authentic to Gears of War,” and he added “but I want it to, like, blow people’s minds because it’s actually a great movie first, and then it pays homage to the source material second.”  He also stated that the movie will be “100% faithful to the game.


Sadly the Gears of War movie won’t release for two or three years yet, but thankfully you can get your hands on Gears of War 4 the videogame which releases this week on the 7th for Ultimate Edition owners and the 11th for everyone else.  You can expect our review to come soon, once we’ve tried out its multiplayer modes extensively.


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