There and Back again, A Hobbit’s Tale…

Posted June 10, 2011 by Chris Thomas in Entertainment

It may be late that we have this posted, but we are going to do it as we are that loyal to our viewers out there 🙂

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) and The Hobbit: There And Back Again (2013) were revealed a short while ago as the names for the two parter Hobbit film. Now the way I look at it, I don’t mind films being in two parts since the latest Harry Potter instalment was broken that way, but when it comes to one of my favourite movie franchises, it makes me think…deeply.

I like everything from the book to be in the film, but we all know that if that was to happen, then the films we watch now-a-days would last….roughly…5-6 hours. Now we don’t want that. So obviously to stop films from going well over their time limit, they keep the best bits and the most notable bits and put them into the film.

In my opinion, I reckon the Hobbit would have done really well as one film, but when I found out that it was coming as a two-parter, it would be a lie to say that I hated the sound of it. I loved it. This means we get to see twice as much of middle earth again and more of Smeagol and Bilbo. Fun times eh?

So, we shall see what happens when the first parter is released late 2012 and from then on….well you get the gist.

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