Assassin’s Creed: Unity –Arno Trailer, New Challenge Mode Leaked

Posted August 26, 2014 by Richard Lee Breslin in Gaming News, PC, PS4, Trailers, Xbox One

Ubisoft has released a short trailer that helps us learn a little more about the new protagonist in Assassin’s Creed: Unity with Arno Dorian.  During this video, the voice actor that plays Arno; Dan Jeanotte reveals that Arno is drawn to the Creed for selfish reasons “as a means to an end”, but soon discovers that “he’s a part of something much bigger.

It certainly indicates that it’s a tale of bad guy gone good, or perhaps it’s the other way around?  Either way, we’re sure to find out more when AC: Unity releases for the PC, PS4 and Xbox One on October 28th.


Also courtesy of Reddit, gameplay footage that reveals a new mode for AC: Unity was leaked.  The mode is called Rifts and it see’s you selecting from a range of Assassin’s and Templar’s that includes; Altair, Aveline, Edward Kenway, Ezio and more.  The purpose of the game is to race around the selected environment in the fastest time possible, while collecting glyphs for points.  You will also be able to take on Ghost times set by your friends.

The new mode also seems to be attached to the Animus and while collecting the glyphs, a voice is telling you that data is being sent to a lab.  Then at the end of each round, the data/glyphs that you collect, will be converted into in-game currency.

Unfortunately the video that was once on YouTube this morning has since been removed, so all I have for you at this time is the screenshot below.  Though hopefully Ubisoft will officially announce this mode themselves very soon.


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