Destiny 2 IS releasing this year Activision confirms, rumours debunked?

Posted February 10, 2017 by Richard Lee Breslin in Gaming News, PC, PS4, Report, Xbox One



Yesterday we covered a story that unveiled potentially huge details for the release of Destiny 2, which included an official title, story details, Guardian progress and much more.  The leaked info appeared on a Reddit post, with its information claiming to be from someone that is “within the administrative ranks of Bungie.


Yet, Kotaku’s Jason Schreier claims that those leaked rumours are “very fake.  As pointed out in my article yesterday, the alleged news had to be taken with a pinch of salt, but as I also said, at times there’s no smoke without fire.  However, Jason Schreier has a very reliable track record of being very accurate when it comes to leaked information, especially when Destiny is concerned.  So if he says that this news is “very fake”, then I trust his word.


Thankfully though we do have some positive news on the Destiny 2 front, because coming from an Activision earnings call, they have confirmed that Destiny 2 is on track to release this year.




It was also revealed that if Destiny 2 does miss its release this year, then Bungie will lose a portion of their stock vestings to Activision.  Which seems like a very strange deal, especially as the studio could run into unforeseen development issues, but I suppose it gives them great incentive to hit targets, even though it could just generate added pressure.


Schreier also confirms that according to his reliable friends, Activision has a lot of development teams other then Bungie working on the sequel, which should come as no real surprise as its common knowledge that High Moon Studios helped with the development on Destiny initially.  But it also makes added sense to get extra hands on the deck, given that Destiny 2 is expected to also release on PC alongside consoles.


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