#E32016 Dishonored 2 gameplay trailer & Collector’s Edition (with Corvo mask) announced


Following a leaked trailer, Bethesda officially revealed the new gameplay trailer for Dishonored 2 at their E3 conference.  Not only that, but they also revealed an awesome Corvo mask that will be included in a Collector’s Edition version of the game (though I doubt it will be wearable).

Bethesda detailed that while players will be returning to the Empire of the Isles, we’ll be able to experience never seen before locations such as Karnaca “often referred to as the Jewel of the South” and a “dazzling Mediterranean-inspired metropolis”, and the capital of Serkonos “the southernmost island of the Empire”.

Dishonored 2 will also be powered by the Void Engine, an engine that has been custom made to accommodate developers Arkane’s “signature art direction and level design, and create atmospheric and exploration-rich spaces.

In Dishonored 2 (as already previously announced) you will not only be able to play as Corvo (SPOILER WARNING), but also his daughter; Emily Kaldwin, 15 years after the events of the original game.  Unlike the first game, both Emily and Corvo will be fully voiced by actors, so no longer will they be silent assassins.  Corvo will be voiced by Stephen Russell, while Emily will be voiced by Erica Luttrell.  Corvo and Emily will also be equipped with their own powers and abilities, offering two distinct play-styles in their own right with “added upgrade trees,” and each of the missions will also encourage different play-style approaches, just like the original outing.


Corvo’s powers will return, but will also be expanded upon in the sequel.  For example, Corvo’s possession power will be able to chain together from host to host, rather than possessing an NPC individually.  Some of Emily’s powers and abilities include being able to set traps, an enhanced sneaking ability called the Shadow Walk and Memerize, which will allow her to “enthral” humans and hounds, allowing her to bypass and kill more efficiently.

Bethesda also spoke about the variety of some of the missions, so coming straight from Bethesda.net, below are examples of the freedom offered in each of the missions.


Dishonored 2 will deliver classic Dishonored gameplay, with missions that include many pathways to explore, creative approaches to reach your targets, and a myriad of ways to combine powers, tools and abilities to tackle any situation. “But this time we’ve put a greater emphasis on big, interesting mission themes – either from a gameplay or a fiction standpoint – making each mission a wildly unique place to explore,” Smith said. Here are three examples:

The Dust District

An industrial area afflicted by the ravaging effects of the silver-mining industry, the Dust District offers a multitude of player choice. For starters, the Dust District earned its nickname due to the terrible storms that occur at random intervals. Players will hear a low, rumbling horn that warns of an incoming storm, which then diminishes the awareness of the characters in the world for the duration of the storm. Players can then use these unplanned storms to strike strategically or sneak past enemies’ unseen.

The Dust District mission also includes two targets: the leader of the Howler gang, or the local head of the Overseers, a militant religious faction. Both leaders have targeted one another, and players can pick a side by eliminating either target – or try to finish the mission by choosing to side with neither.

The Dust District features neutral territory, along with hostile territory maintained by the two different factions. Your choices will not only affect the flow of the mission itself (for example, one side will no longer be hostile if you eliminate the target from the other side) but also have a ripple effect on the remainder of the game.

The Dust District mission also shows the enhanced verticality in Karnaca. At various times, the BE3 2016 demo shows Emily ascending her way to dizzying heights, using her abilities to climb onto a towering windmill or clamber behind the wooden wind-breakers that protect the tall buildings. The playthrough also revealed Emily’s ability to eliminate targets from above – both lethally and nonlethally.

A Crack in the Slab

Another example of a themed mission, A Crack in the Slab, takes place in a ruined manor that’s been sealed for several years. Due to an occult event, your powers won’t work in this once-posh mansion. Instead you have a special timepiece (given to you by The Outsider), allowing you to peek into the past or the present – and you can slip back and forth between the two time periods.

While we were offered only a quick glimpse of this reality-bending mission, we witnessed several creative ways to use this timepiece, including: stepping back through time to sneak up on a target, then warping back to the present once you are in position to eliminate him; and moving past a locked gate in the past by warping to the present, where only the remnants of the gate remain.

The Clockwork Mansion

With its shifting walls and floors, this location was first revealed in the announcement trailer at E3 2015. “That mission, and everything depicted in the video, is fully playable in Dishonored 2,” Smith said.

If that wasn’t enough Dishonored 2 goodness for you, fans of the game will really appreciate this Collector’s Edition.  Available at launch with an RRP of £79.99/€99.99/$99.99.

Dishonored 2 will release for PC, PS4 and Xbox One on November 11th.  The Collector’s Edition seen below will includes:


  • Corvo Attano’s Mask 13.5” (H) x 6” (W) x 5.5” (D) and a stand to display it on
  • Emily Kaldwin’s Ring and Display Box
  • Full colour propaganda poster
  • Digital Imperial Assassin’s Pack (as shown below)
  • Digital copy of the Dishonored Definitive Edition


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