Hitman: Absolution details will appeal to the fans of tough games!

Posted October 7, 2011 by James Steel in Gaming News, Microsoft, PC, PS3, Sony, Xbox 360

It could be argued that a lot of modern games are becoming much simpler and linear. I for one love a well executed cinematic experience ranging from Call Of Duty to a Gears Of War, but every now and again I love to get deeply into a game and its mechanics, exploring every nook and cranny to get as near to 100% as possible, satisfying my completionist nature. Deus Ex Human Revolution (which I just completed) abused this aspect of my play style to great effect, meaning that I hacked every computer and checked every drawer, not to mention my 1000 points quest in Hitman Blood Money!

Stealth is a genre that appeals to me because of this, as the reward from taking the time, patience and awareness to study the enemies routines and reactions, leads to some of the most gratifying gameplay available.

Hitman Absolution may have seemingly taken a step away from its predecessors given what we have seen of the game so far. The in-game footage that was released around E3 displayed a much more action orientated game, but now it seems that this was a vertical slice to appeal to a wider audience. There will be a higher difficulty level with specific achievements/trophies tied to this that will reward the hardcore as Lead Producer Hakan Abrak discusses –

Rest assured, the hardcore fans that like to have replayablity value in the game or want to have this stealth assassin – you know, I’m the ultimate stealth assassin – that playing style, those achievements, are very much in the game.

There’s a huge replayability value in it and we have some features in the game I cannot speak about that will enhance this and make this easier, and heighten the replayability value for the hardcore players as well.

Following on from this, discussion over how this new difficulty could affect the gameplay, he stated –

It’s more pacify your enemies, be undetected, maybe solve the challenges in a smarter way. That will probably give you a stealth assassin achievement

So, at least fans can rest assured that they will be taken care of, and that the levels will be wider than previously shown.

Hitman Absolution is due for release on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC at a date yet to be announced!

Source – EuroGamer

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