Hitman Developers IO-Interactive Are Working on a New Game, Could It Be Kane & Lynch?

Posted October 13, 2019 by Haris Iqbal in Announcements, Gaming News, News, PC, Project Scarlett, PS4, PS5, Xbox One

IO Interactive are well known for their Hitman series of games, and deservingly so! However, it does feel at times that they are a little too well known regarding that game, as they haven’t really made anything else for a while now.

That might be about to change as they are now on a hiring spree, aiming to bring on-board enough people in order to create a new game with Warner Bros. If you are one of the creative types, be sure to visit their vacancy page!

Over the past few years, Warner Bros. has shown us first-hand that they understand and respect our creative vision, and we’re looking forward to continuing this relationship,” said Hakan Abrak, CEO, IO Interactive. “IO Interactive has a proud history of creating compelling characters and universes for our players to enjoy—it’s in our DNA. As we embark on this exciting project to create a new universe for IOI together with Warner Bros., we’re currently looking for ambitious talent to join our team in our Copenhagen and Malmö studios for this extraordinary journey.

It is anyone’s guess what the new game might be, but it is refreshing to see IO apply their knowledge to something different. Here is hoping to Kane and Lynch 3!

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