Konami Releasing Arcade, Contra and Castlevania Classic Collections

Konami has announced that they are releasing three classic bundles of joy this year with Arcade Classics, as well as the Contra and Castlevania Collections digitally.

Beginning on April 18th with Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection, this will include eight Konami arcade classics such as Haunted Castle, Typhoon (aka A-Jax), Nemesis (aka Gradius), Vulcan Venture (aka Gradius II), Life Force (aka Salamander), Thunder Cross, Scramble and TwinBee.  It will also include an in-game Bonus Book featuring concept art from the development of the games in the collection.

Then scheduled for release during “early summer” are The Castlevania Anniversary Collection and The Contra Anniversary CollectionThe Castlevania Collection will include Castlevania, Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge, Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse, Super Castlevania IV and even more to be announced at a later date.  As an added bonus, not only will it include the in-game Bonus Book with developer notes, but also an interview with Adi Shankar, the producer of the fantastic Netflix Castlevania series.

Finally The Contra Anniversary Collection include the original arcade version of Contra, Super Contra (also the arcade version), Super Contra III: The Alien Wars and more to be announced at a later date.  It will also include the in-game Bonus Book detailing the history of the series.

The Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection, Castlevania Anniversary Collection and Contra Anniversary Collection will all release digitally for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.  Are you looking forward to these collections?  Let us know across our social media channels.

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