L4D2 Mutation Change

Posted April 29, 2010 by Jay Wheeler in PC, Xbox 360

Just a quick reminder for those of you smart enough to own Left 4 Dead 2 on the PC (or stupid enough to pay for the DLC on 360) you may have noticed the new “Mutations” game mode in the menu. Each Thursday the in-game blog will let you know of the upcoming Mutation. Once a month there will be a poll to vote on your favourite Mutation. The winning Mutation will return the following week.

The Passing introduces a series of weekly game mode events dubbed “Mutations.” These are week-long runs of new gameplay modes that range from “Realism Versus” to “Chainsaw Massacre”. Each week one new Mutation is featured and the previous Mutation retired.

Left 4 Dead 2

The first Mutation was Realism Versus. Survivors have all the Realism changes working against them, no glows on items or survivors, tougher zombies, instant kill witches, etc. The Infected have all those changes working for them.

Once a month there will have a poll to vote on your favorite Mutation. The winning Mutation will return the following week.

So remember, every Thursday a new Mutation will be announced and added to the game on the Friday.

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