Mass Effect 2: Arrival DLC Trailer

Posted March 29, 2011 by Jay Wheeler in DLC, PC, PS3, PSN, Trailers, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Arcade

Anyone who is a gamer and has not been hiding under a rock for the last month will have heard of the highly anticipated final chapter of the award-winning Mass Effect 2 arriving in the form of a DLC pack called… well… Arrival.

Here is the brand-new trailer to wet your appetite.


Arrival tells the story of Admiral Hackett (voiced by Lance Henriksen, best known as Bishop from the Alien films and Frank Black from TV series Millennium) asking for the help of Commander Shepard. For those of you who are not familiar with Admiral Hackett from the first Mass Effect game; he is a top-ranking official of the Alliance Navy and commanding officer of the Fifth fleet. He was also one of the three officers who recommended Shepard as the first human Spectre, who are agents that are entrusted with extraordinary authority by the Citadel Council.

So for an official of the Alliance Navy to come to Shepard for help, despite working with Cerberus, you can only assume that it must be serious.

Well, it is. Hackett comes to you to rescue a Doctor called Amanda Kenson, who has been kidnapped by the Batarians and is taken to a secret prison outpost in Batarian space, after being accused of terrorism. With this being a personal favor; Hackett urges discretion, meaning that you must deploy the mission as a solo operative, with no squad-members. But wait you ask, why is this mission so important? Well, educated guess, but maybe it’s because Dr. Kenson reportedly found a Reaper artifact that proves their existence, and their plans to invade your galaxy.

So yeah, pretty damn important.

Don’t expect this to be a cheap, lazy expansion of an already incredible game. With a reported five brand new missions, which will set you back at least a couple of hours, there are three brand new acheivements/trophies, and you will also make major decisions that will impact what happens in the upcoming sequal, Mass Effect 3.

Arrival DLC will be available on PC, Xbox Live, and the Playstation Network right now… so… what are you waiting for!?

In the Playstation Store and will cost a meagre £5.49, 560 MS points on Xbox live and 560 Bioware points on PC. As this add-on has been dubbed as “the thrilling final mission” of BAFTA’s game of the year 2010, that’s one hell of a bargain, whatever platform you prefer.

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