Red Awakening Greenlit

Posted April 27, 2015 by John Little in Kickstarter, PC, PS4, Screenshots, Trailers

The team-based stealth action game Red Awakening was Greenlit on Steam earlier this week, and has received a new trailer and Kickstarter pledge.

Inspired by slasher films, and stealth and FPS games of the 90s and 00s, the game is styling itself in a fairly unique way – the movies of John Carpenter, Tobe Hooper, and Dario Argento, and gameplay inspiration from Thief, Manhunt, Timesplitters 2, Condemned, and  the objective team-based gameplay of Counter Strike.

It sounds like an odd combination, but it makes more sense in the context of the story: During the after-math of the Vietnam war, violent young offenders and captured soviet agents are taken to be conditioned into ‘invisible killers’. They’re put into teams and set against each other in order to see who will last the longest.

Gameplay includes a parkour element, as well as overt and covert fighting – an emphasis has been placed on ‘stealth and subterfuge’, offering abilities such as invisibility and thermal goggles. It sounds very much like a game where you track your opponent as opposed to running in guns blazing.

The game is currently undergoing a Kickstarter pledge, where you can donate some money if you feel so inclined, and find out more about the game. It still looks to be in an early stage of development, but it’s definitely got some potential. The neon filled aesthetic is quite cool, and the premise of a team based stealth/action title (with parkour) is unique.

Check out the trailer above, the screenshots below, and the Kickstarter page here.

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