Rumour: Crysis Invading PS3 and 360?

Posted July 1, 2011 by Jay Wheeler in Articles, Gaming News, PC, PS3, Rumour, Xbox 360

Speculation has developed as to whether the first instalment of the Nano-suit bearing FPS, Crysis, will be making its way to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. This comes after the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) rated the title for the two consoles just recently.

Despite this, no official announcement has been made by either Electronic Arts or Crytek, and therefore remains to be unconfirmed. But considering that the ESRB has infact rated the title for PS3 and 360 with a ‘Mature’ rating, the same as the PC version, it seems almost certain that this is for real.

Also, according to the ESRB site, the standalone expansion, Crysis Warhead, will remain as a PC exclusive.

Crysis was released as an exclusive for PC back in 2007, and was notorious for its demanding system requirements to simply run the game. The sequel, Crysis 2, was released earlier this year on PC, PS3 and 360. So if it is confirmed that Crysis will arrive to PS3 and 360, then it can fill the void for many who wants to learn more about the back-story of the Crysis universe, as well as experiencing the game itself.

Push-Start will keep you posted on any updates as it arrives.

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