SimCity Cites Of Tomorrow Trailer

Posted October 17, 2013 by Tom Collins in Announcements, Articles, Gaming News, PC, Trailers


We all heard the outcry, the sheer maddening and nearly unforgivable slap in the face that was the release of SimCity. There is no argument about whether or not they dropped the ball, the only discussion is about how big the hole they dropped it down is.

Some of these wounds are still fairly fresh with PC gamers, the game is admittedly in a much more playable state these days, despite still missing the two most important factors. The city size and the offline mode. On EA’s official SimCity blog, they released the information that working on the offline mode “is happening”, but the larger cities is unfortunately out of reach due to…

The system performance challenges we encountered would mean that the vast majority of our players wouldn’t be able to load, much less play with bigger cities

If you’re in the same position as me, I imagine you find it hard to believe anything that comes from EA or Maxis at the moment. After all, they said offline mode wasn’t possible, shortly after that, it was proven that was completely false by a modder. So should we take them at their word this time? Is it really not possible? Does anybody even care?

It seems that instead of expanding outwards with the cities, the new expansion seems to be taking things skywards. It does look fairly neat, but that was never the game’s problem. It may yet breath some life in to a game surrounded by a huge amount of negativity.

So will any of you be buying the new expansion? Let us know in the comments.

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