Ubisoft Ending Uplay Passport Program

Posted November 2, 2013 by Richard Lee Breslin in Gaming News, PC, PS3, PS4, Retail, WiiU, Xbox 360, Xbox One

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Earlier in the year EA scrapped their online pass, meaning that there was no unique code needed to access its online features.  Which more importantly meant that those that purchased second hand copies of their games, did not need to folk out extra to play online.  Now the kind folks at Ubisoft have followed suit and scrapped the Uplay Passport.

As much as I was never keen on online passes, this was one method that I could understand publishers using to gain a share on the second hand market.  My guess is that the rise in DLC sales and Season Passes is a reason why some publishers are now ditching the online pass.  Ending the Uplay Passport program also means that all gamers will be able to access the Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag companion app.

Below is the official lowdown direct from the Ubi Blog:

Assassin’s Creed fans, we heard you loud and clear.

In Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag, Edward’s Fleet is an innovative online feature that allows a single player to interact with multiple players on consoles or via the game’s companion app. Every new copy of Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag includes the Uplay Passport code needed to unlock this online feature. However, we listen to our community and understand that there are concerns over some players’ ability to access this feature, so we have decided to eliminate the cost of the Uplay Passport for Black Flag. This ensures that everyone will be able to use the companion app, Edward’s Fleet, online multiplayer and available bonus content at no additional cost.

Gamers currently without a Uplay Passport for Black Flag will be able to download one for free from Xbox Live or PlayStation Network. For those who have already purchased Uplay Passport for Black Flag, please stay tuned to the UbiBlog for further details on how to get a credit or refund.

What’s more, Uplay Passport will not be a part of any future Ubisoft games.

The Uplay Passport program was initiated as a means of giving customers full access and support for online multiplayer and features, along with exclusive content, bonuses and rewards. However, games today are blurring the line between offline and online, between what is “single player” and what is “multiplayer.” Based on that and on the feedback we received from you, we recognized that Passport is no longer the best approach for ensuring that all our customers have the best possible experience with all facets of our games.

We will keep listening to your feedback. We hope the change we’re making today alleviates any concerns you have about using the Edward’s Fleet feature or future online features of Ubisoft’s games.

We look forward to seeing you sailing the Caribbean seas in Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag!

Have any of you played Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag? If so let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.  I for one am agonisingly waiting until the Mrs buys me the Black Chest Edition for Christmas, in which the wait is shear torture.

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