Wildstar Lets The Medic Resonate With Us

Posted December 3, 2013 by Tom Collins in Gaming News, PC, Trailers


Resonates… Geddit? You know, ’cause Medics use Resonators. No one? Okay, moving on.

So we finally have one of the hidden classes announced. The Medic. Well actually, they revealed both. If you check the video above, it shows us that the last class will be the Engineer. I think we can safely assume that the DevSpeak video for that will be next week, around the same time.

Before I say anything else, here is the class video.


So there you go. Looks pretty fun, albeit a little similar to the Spellslinger in terms of weapons. That aside, it looks to play fairly differently. It seems that healers may have it a lot harder than most MMOs, being that you have to aim some, if not all of your heals. As before, Carbine seem keen on making sure we know that the mechanics are “fun” and that healing doesn’t end up on a kind of UI mini game.

If it plays as good as it sounds and looks, I’m all for it. If it ends up another grind fest, well, I’m not sure I can haul myself through that and WoW. Given that the next expansion is actually looking fairly good, I think Wildstar may have its work cut out. We shall see when the time comes. Or in this case, the beta.

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