Is The Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Running At 30fps Or 60fps?

Posted January 24, 2014 by Richard Lee Breslin in Gaming News, PS4, Xbox One


Following a Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Twitch streaming from GamesRadar that featured an interview with Tomb Raiders executive producer Scot Amos, he said that “the PS4 version (was) running at 60fps at 1080p” (for certain sections of the game at least).  This of course begged the question…What would the Xbox One version be running at?

However Scott Amos told Eurogamer last week that “The original goal for us, looking at both next-gen consoles… our minimum target was always gameplay front-to-back being 1080p and frame-rate 30fps. That was our target, and I’m very happy to say we’ve achieved that target on both consoles and anything above that is just gravy.

But according to an article from, they were informed by a trusted source that the Xbox One version would be running at an average of 30fps, while the PS4 was running at an average of 60fps.  But they amended their article as a result of “poor wording.”  What they possibly meant to say in layman’s terms was that the Xbox One version would run at a minimum of 30fps, but can reach approximately 45fps at certain sections of the game.  The PS4 however should also be running at a minimum of 30fps, but can reach 60fps (likely 55fps) at certain sections of the game.


Square Enix did release a statement of sorts, but it was very vague when speaking to Eurogamer:

Both platforms offer the same outstanding Tomb Raider experience,” They went on to say “Delivering the core Tomb Raider gameplay at native 1080p and running at 30fps was always our primary goal given the type of experience Tomb Raider is and the exploration we want players to do. Anything beyond 30fps for this version is gravy.

To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever known such confusion over frame-rates for a cross platform game, but whichever frame-rate proves to be true, they should only really make a subtle difference to even the most eagle-eyed gamer.  Either way, regardless of whether you buy the PS4 or Xbox One version, they should be just as fun to play as each other.

The Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition will release for the PS4 and Xbox One on January 28th in North America and then the 31st across Europe.

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