The Order 1886: Building A New London

Posted August 22, 2013 by Haris Iqbal in Editorial, Features, Gaming News, News, PS4, Sony


There weren’t many major exclusives shown during the E3 period for the PS4. The only major ones that come to my mind at the moment are Infamous: Second Son and The Order 1886. At the moment, the idea really sounds intriguing for The Order: 1886, with it taking place in a supposedly “Neo-Victorian” London. 


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To detail the design philosophy for the setting in the upcoming game, there is an interesting piece over at the PlayStation Blog by Ready At Dawn Studios. The informative article explains how the city will breath a life of its own, and how the advanced technology has shaped up the setting, giving a new look to a familiar era. It is an interesting read, so be sure to head over here to read it!


Also, according to the blog, the developers have made available a static theme for the PS3 on the PSN store which users can download and apply. The theme adds a new wallpaper, and changes the icon textures to better mix with the golden coloured wallpaper. I can also confirm that it is available on the European PSN store, and is free of charge. Furthermore, the theme looks absolutely stellar, so you should definitely try it out for yourselves.


Now lets head back to the game and talk more about it. Personally, I am a bit intrigued myself, but there is nothing here that truly grabs my interest. What we know as of now, is that it will be a third person shooter, that might be squad based. However, we still don’t know what will make it unique enough to warrant a purchase. The thing about platform exclusives is that they have to be good enough to make you want to purchase a specific console. Infamous: Second Son seems to be one of those titles with its unique, and unrivalled superhero gameplay (except for Batman, no one beats the Batman!).


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The setting is definitely interesting though, and will be the key to gameplay. Even though Dishonored also used a somewhat similar setting, I can safely say that not many games these days take place in a steam-punk Victorian era. I can hardly name the last major game before Dishonored to make use of this setting. So now, it is left to see how The Order: 1886 will utilize this setting, and with it, differentiate from other shooters.

At the moment, there is no release date set for the game, but we do know that it will obviously, be making its way to the PS4 as an exclusive. There is a chance we might see it next year, but again, nothing is certain as of yet and any release date talk can be left to speculation.


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