Cameron’s list of the 5 first and third party characters most likely to be in SSB4 (playable characters)

Posted October 14, 2011 by Cameron Jay Smith in 3DS, Cjszero01, Nintendo, Opinion, WiiU



Man I wish I could find a better title for this. Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t you looking forward to see who’s playable in the next installment of the Smash Bros series? Yeah I thought so, and even though the game isn’t in development until Kid Icarus Uprising comes out that won’t stop me from making a list of the characters who have the best chance to get in. For the record I don’t expect all of the 3rd party characters to get in, this is just their chance of getting of being put in the game. This list is made up of facts and a little bit of fan demand so it’s not a personal list of characters I would like to see, just the ones who have the best chance. Enjoy.



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