Accessories Review: FPS KontrolFreek Sniper, Galaxy & Alpha



Not all of us can afford pro gaming control pads such as the Xbox One’s Elite Controller, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t afford pro gaming accessories such as the products from KontrolFreak.  Among the accessories available, the main product from KontrolFreak are their controller add-on thumbstick grips.  Now I’ll be honest, I was very sceptical on their products which claim to improve accuracy, aim and grip, especially when playing FPS titles such as Call of Duty, Halo, Destiny and more.


So when I took the plunge after receiving a buy one, get one free offer via their newsletter, I decided to give them a go.  With this I purchased for each of my PS4 and Xbox One controllers, the FPS Freek CQC Signature and the Black Ops 3 grips.  Since that time, I have taken it upon myself to keep updated with their products, as they offer grips for varied styles and preferences at very reasonable prices; and trust me, when you get use to their thumbstick grips, its near impossible reverting back to the standard analogue grips.  Also the great thing about owning a variety of FPS KontrolFreek thumbstick grips, is that you can mix and match them to suit your gaming needs.


So for you today I will be reviewing the FPS Alpha’s, Galaxy’s and the new Sniper grips.  Each of the three grips offer different heights and designs, so it’s likely that either one of these may be good for you.  With that, I’ll begin my review with the FPS Freek Sniper grips.


FPS Freek Sniper




Now out of the recent three grips I have acquired, these are my personal favourite.  While some of my grips, such as the Black Ops 3 brand are concaved, the Snipers have a domed surface, meaning that rather than sinking into the controller, the rubber grip has an elevated dome.  The Snipers are also the tallest of thumbstick grips, standing at 13.9mm tall.  In comparison, many of the other FPS thumbstick grips are around 11mm.  KontrolFreek claim that the increased grip height will improve your total range of motion by 190%.


For me personally, I prefer the taller grips, as they do tend to improve my response time when playing online matches.  It’s hard to explain the kind of difference that they make, but when I’ve tried reverting back to gaming without the grips, it feels a little odd and I now simply won’t play any games without them, whether its online or offline gaming sessions.




Add this to the cleverly designed rubber thumbstick grips and it makes for a much more comfortable experience, especially during lengthy sessions when your palms can sweat a little during intense online battles.  I believe that these grips will benefit the type of gamer that lays their thumbs flat on the analogue sticks, rather than those that play on their pointed thumb-tips.


Overall, the FPS Freek Sniper thumbstick grips offer superb comfort and grip, that will enhance your online experience.


Final Score 8/10


FPS Freek Galaxy




The FPS Galaxy grips have a concave design, unlike the Sniper and CQC’s.  In my opinion the concave design will benefit those that place their thumb-tips on the analogue sticks, unlike me whose thumbs are always flat.  The swirly, galaxy-like rubber design also offers fantastic grip and not once did my thumbs slip doing many hours of usage.


Unlike previous thumbstick grips that I’ve owned, the right thumbstick has an increased height of 10.4mm, while the left thumbstick has a shorter height of 5.7mm.  Traditionally the elevated thumbstick will often be the one used for aiming, while the shorter stick will be used for moving.  But you’re not restricted to which formula you prefer, as we’re all each to our own.  It is said that the “high-rise” stick will improve your range of motion of up to 136% on PS4 and 118% on Xbox One.


Final Score 8/10




KontrolFreak Alpha


The Alpha’s are very different to your standard mid-rise and high-rise grips, with their low-rise design.  These grips are more for casual gameplay sessions, suited to campaign gaming, though with its low elevation and wide surface, you may still find this design better suited for online gaming sessions.  While I prefer the more elevated grips, my 5-year-old son found the Alpha’s much more suitable, as It was easier for him to reach the tip of the grips.  In fact, he now refers to the controller with the Alpha’s as “his controller”.


In total, the Alpha’s provide more than 101% surface area increase on the PS4 controller and 53% on the larger Xbox One controller.  Unlike the average 10mm height that you may find with other grips, the Alpha’s are at a smaller 3mm in increased height.


In a nutshell, the Alpha’s are more about comfort and grip.


Final Score 6/10


FPS-Alpha-1 FPS-Alpha-3


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