Are Zombie games for the brain dead? Dead Nation Review

Posted December 10, 2010 by George Harvey in PS3, Reviews

Resident evil
Left for Dead
Dead rising 2
Red Dead redemption Undead Nightmare

Are Zombie games dead?

Is Dead Nation a thrilling new zombie epic or is it just another carcass on the pile?

Zombies have been positively received by audiences of all ages, ever since they found their dead little bodies coming back to life with a thirst for blood. The gaming industry was fairly free of the flesh craving disease as Resident Evil was the only real zombie game of note. However, recently consoles have become infected with the zombie trait; many zombie games have been released within the last year including zombie features on the famous and widely played Call of Duty games.
So are these games just generic reproductions of each other? What makes each game stand out?
Announced in 2007 the 3 year project Dead Nation was finally release on December 1st as a PSN exclusive. No box just the game £9.99 or £7.99 if you have joined Playstation plus.

A £9.99 game? You are either thinking; That’s too cheap it must be a terrible or Thats too much im not paying that.

Too Cheap? No game is too cheap, even the super cheap Siren Blood Curse had some fantastic moments.
Too much?  Probably

After the 1.4gb installation an impressive scene will appear as you scroll on to the game, a male character holding a severed zombie by the throat with body language expressing an execution, if that doesn’t get you excited simply click x and wait for the game to start. The narrative sequence begins, as a chilling voice speaks of the zombie outbreak as various disturbing and violent images appear on the screen in short succession before the start menu is revealed. After pressing start you can then choose Solo Game, Co-op Game, Online Game, Global Status, Rankings, Options or Gallery.
For this review I am going to be looking at the Solo Game. The next option is the difficulty mapped out in zombie style as the difficulties read “Brain-dead” “Normal” “Grim”  we then get to character selection we can select either “Jack Mcready” and “Scarlett Blake” I have chosen Jack Mcready. This begins a second brief narrative sequence, explaining the back plot to the mindless fun.  This seems to be where the fun ends. The game quickly shifts into the bird’s eye format, with little control over character pace and enemies that are more athletic then undead you find yourself quickly surrounded and quickly dead! The low level lighting of the game means enemies are almost impossible to see from a distance as your torch is the only light, this provides a fun jumpy element to game play as you find yourself panicking trying to fight off your enemies. Though at first the game play seems disappointing the game is fun. There is a wide arsenal of weapons that come customizable so if you are ever surrounded just throw a grenade and all is well. I mean its not as if  the grenades gonna blow up and kill you is it? oh right it is!

Final Say

The game is  not great technique wise but fun nonetheless however you don’t feel any urge to rush home to play it.
A fun zombie shooter with flaws but actually seeing what you’re shooting is overrated anyways right?

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