Review: Street Fighter x Tekken Fightpad S.D

Posted April 10, 2012 by Marshall in Peripherals, PS3 Reviews, Reviews, Xbox 360 Reviews

Mad Catz have gone all out this year for Street Fighter x Tekken. Alongside the brand new FightStick Pro, which received an Editor’s Choice Award, Mad Catz have provided fighters a new Fightpad along the lines of the SFIV peripherals. Is the latest Fightpad worth the punch? Find out in this review.

When playing fighting games I always have to be using a FightStick or a Fightpad, since using the standard controllers doesn’t offer me the precision or responsiveness that I require. It’s by no means impossible though, and fighting games are becoming more controller friendly for the casual gamer. If you’re not quite up for spending your entire pay check on the FightStick, Mad Catz are offering up a new range of Fightpads for those who prefer to take it old school and use the d-pad.

The controller retails for £35.00, and is readily available through many online retailers. Like previous Fightpads, there’s a choice of designs featuring different characters from Street Fighter x Tekken, though the differing designs of course do not affect performance. PS3 gamers may be annoyed by the lack of the wireless option which was previously offered for the SFIV Fightpad, but it’s a small issue overall. The one we have been provided for review is shown in the picture above, featuring characters Poison, Hugo, King and Marduk.

The S.D Fightpad still follows the traditional button layout from the older models, focusing on delivering an old school experience. The Fightpad includes two shoulder buttons on top, click-in select and start buttons, a much more responsive D-pad which provides a comfortable experience, along with six face buttons, the traditional four on the left hand side and two shoulder buttons right next to them.  Owners of previous Mad Catz pads will know that the pad itself follows a similar formula seen on older pads from Capcom. You know what they say, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

The S.D Pad hasn’t changed much compared to previous Fightpads from Mad Catz other than the noticeable size difference, resulting in a 15% reduction in size. The Fightpad offers a much more comfortable experience, though at first when I looked at the pad I thought “This is far too small”, but actually it isn’t and it fits much better in your hands than previous models. The D-Pad is much improved from the previous Fightpad which felt stiff when using. The only major issue I initially had was the placement of the Xbox 360 Guide/PS3 Menu button, as it’s placed right next to the A button, potentially causing issues for button mashers.

Overall 9.5/10

Mad Catz have managed to produce a wide range of well built fighting peripherals for gamers this year. The Street Fighter x Tekken Arcade Pro Stick and SoulCalibur Fightsticks have scored highly due to recent and dramatic improvements. I can happily say that Mad Catz is definitely heading in the right direction with these Fightpads, as they fit perfectly in your hands, as well as providing a responsive option for fighting fans. The D-Pad has been dramatically improved and provides a better fighting experience. The designs are also very colourful and nice to look at. The one flaw however is the placement of the Xbox 360 Guide/PS3 menu button.

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