WARNING – If you’re yet to finish episode two “Children of Arkham”, there will be some spoilers ahead.



After episodes one’s somewhat slow start, episode two “Children of Arkham” really picked up the pace and ended with us having to make a seemingly impossible choice to either save Bruce Wayne’s close friend Harvey Dent aka Two Face or his new associate in Selina Kyle aka Cat Woman.  Bruce Wayne’s old friend Oswald Cobblepot with the help of Gotham’s latest and deadliest threat, a group known as the Children of Arkham, hijacked a live TV broadcast in which Harvey was on the podium rallying the troops for his campaign to be major of Gotham.  For the record, I chose to save the life of Catwoman, not that I expected either character to die during the closing moments of episode two, but during those split and decisive moments, it seemed like the right thing to do.


This is where episode three “New World Order” picks up with proceedings.  I believe whatever choice you made especially, would have seen the birth of Two Face, however, depending on your actions, might depend on how hostile he (or Harvey) are towards Bruce and during the opening moments, it’s down to you to restrict as much collateral damage as possible, by talking and reassuring the emotionally and physically unstable Harvey at his hospital bedside.  It’s here that Harvey begins to show the signs of his split personality disorder and throughout this episode; you’ll see him struggle between the good natured Harvey and the criminal kingpin in the making.




However, things are about to go from bad to worse for Bruce as Oswald Cobblepot starts to bring forth his promise made towards him in episode one by taking everything close to him, beginning with this families legacy, Wayne Enterprises.  Bruce is forced to step down as CEO, with Cobblepot more than eager to jump in his grave.  In this Bruce heavy episode, the game does a fine job in testing your patience.  It pushes almost every button imaginable for you to vent your frustrations and if you manage to hold out on those urges, then you’ve done a mighty fine job.


If losing his position as CEO of Wayne Enterprises at the hands of a smug Cobblepot weren’t hard enough to bear, the Children of Arkham take their level of terror over Gotham up a notch by compromising the Gotham City Police Departments communications and are not only two steps ahead of the GCPD, but also Batman himself.  This means that either the Children of Arkham are very fortunate Hackers or they have a mole on the inside and I bet we all know the answer to that question.


This alone severely restricts Batman’s fight against the Children of Arkham, because not only does it take away his element of surprise on the enemy, but if the people of Gotham knew that the GCPD could not communicate, it would send panic across the city.  But Batman being Batman, he usually finds away and his persistence leads him to a sinister plot in the making at the hands of the Children of Arkham, and Batman must do all he can to protect the people of Gotham.




To Batman’s surprise, he finds Catwoman to be in the hands of the terrorists, though it must be believed that especially in this episode, all is not often what it seems.  Regardless, this extra predicament brings forth another dilemma for both Bat’s and Bruce and no matter how good your intentions are, some will see your actions differently, especially with tensions running so high as the Wayne name continues to be dragged through the mud.


As the episode draws to a close, you are faced with another set of decisions to make and while they may seem obvious at first, its outcome may not, as we’re left on the edge of a cliff-hanger in a moment for which Bruce thought someone be so sincere, to be in fact his own worst enemy hiding in plain sight.  Defending the once good Wayne name is going to prove far more difficult then Bruce could ever have anticipated.



You can read our review of Episode One ‘Realms of Shadow’ here.


You can read our review of Episode Two ‘Children of Arkham’ here.


1 comment

Batman – The Telltale Series Ep4 dated for next week, trailer released | PushStartPlay November 18, 2016 at 6:11 PM

[…] been playing through Telltale Games new Batman series, then you will know that episode three ‘New World Order’ left us on one hell of a cliff-hanger and events in episode 4 is sure to get […]
