The Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGNThe Movie has finally been released after two months of cinema screenings across the USA and Canada. For those that don’t know who or what AVGN is, AVGN is a character and show created by James Rolfe which has been running on the Internet since 2004 and is ongoing.  The show is a retro video game based show, focusing on the character AVGN. The show stars James (The AVGN), who reviews terrible games from our childhood and relives those terrible memories with us all. The show also features from time to time skits and comical B-Movie special effects. If you haven’t seen any of the nerds stuff, I recommend clicking here.

I have been a fan of AVGN for many years and first started watching the show with the original Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde episode. Since then I have been glued to the Cinemassacre website and I continue to watch the AVGN series to this very day, and anything else James publishes for that matter. James Rolfe is generally a talented person and you can see his passion and talent in his episodes and within this movie.  I was thrilled when James announced that he was working on a movie based around his hugely successful show. Now, the fans can enjoy the movie online either via rental or digital purchase.  Some of you may be thinking, why should we have to pay to watch this movie? Well the $5 rental or $10 purchase is worth paying to support one of our beloved internet characters to continue creating entertaining content, that’s why.


Death Mwauthzyx – James nod to Godzilla

The movie is centred on the fascinating and mysterious legend of the E.T Atari 2600 cartridges buried in a landfill in New Mexico during the great crash of the video game industry in the early 1980s.   The movie focuses on The AVGN, who is presented with struggles straight from the get go, after his fans demand a review for the abomination that is the  E.T video game. The AVGN Movie was written by James Rolfe and Kevin Finn and stars James Rolfe, Jeremy Suarez and Sarah Glendening.

The movie is thoroughly enjoyable for fans of the show. It has James written all over it from the jokes to the B-Movie-esk effects. It’s classic The Angry Video Game Nerd, with a decent script and plot.  Considering James only had a $325,000 budget, which covered shooting and editing. The funds for the movie were raised all by fans and James himself.

Black Nerd Comedy - YouTube Personality

Black Nerd Comedy – YouTube Personality

The movie is very enjoyable and is ideally made for fans of the show.  There are some well thought jokes, decent characters and fantastic cameos from fellow YouTubers/reviewers.  Surprisingly, the plot is pretty solid and the script is pretty much spot on cheesiness.  The only issue I had is the fact that it perhaps goes on for an extra 30 minutes than it should. Near the end of the film, it does start to drag and I think it could have been cut a bit shorter.  There is a lot of B-Movie-like effects in the film, which some of you may already know James has done similar effects in his many episodes. They are entertaining, but may not appeal to all.  The film is very tongue-in-cheek and that’s what I love about the comedy in this film.

Overall – I feel that The Angry Video Game Nerd Movie is a must see for all fans of AVGN. If you’re like me, a fan of his show and just generally James himself then this is certainly a must see. I do feel that the B-Movie effects are good, but may put some people off. It’s certainly a decent movie, with a good plot and script. A must see if you love retro video games, E.T and Atari.


The Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie is available of Vimeo on Demand (VOD) and was released on Sept 2, 2014. The AVGN Movie will then release on DVD/Blu-ray in November 2014.

  • PS: If James ever comes across this review – I would certainly like to see another movie in the similar fashion of the cult classic ‘The Wizard’ – The Nerd in a video game tournament would be great, perhaps vs. other YouTubers.

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