1000 Recipes Cooking Up At Nintendo…

Posted June 2, 2010 by Marshall in DS, Wii

It’s probably not a shock that Nintendo and their 3rd party pals would release another cooking title. The DS library of cooking games is pretty ‘full’ supported by the games Cooking Mama, Imagine Happy Cooking , Whats Cooking? Jamie Olive and Nintendo’s Cooking Guide: Can’t Decide What To Eat in 2008.  The list goes on.
Nintendo have now announced that you will be able to head back to the kitchen and wip-up some more Cooking Recipes… 1000 to be exact provided by ELLE à Table.

Nintendo’s Cooking Guide only featured 200 recipes. Now this time around they have managed to pull off a massive, fancy Sainsbury’s cook book into one cartridge.

There is a guide in the ‘game’ that  gives you a step-by-step guide to make a 3 course meal. It sounds hard to imagine but there are unlockable recipes on special dates such as Fathers Day, Christmas, New Years Eve etc. I think this is actually a pretty nice touch. You can also input your own recipes to the game with a virtual recipe book.

If you own a DSi then you will be happy to know that you will be able to take advantage of the DSi camera. The camera gives you the ability to attach a photo to the recipes you have created in your virtual book. These photo’s can be shared with friends or family via the DS Wi-Fi connection.

So will you be picking this up for yourself? Or buying it for your mum/girlfriend to give them the hint to cook more…

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