48 hours of Gaming Madness has ended…

Posted June 4, 2010 by Marshall in Events, Wii

Here at Push-Start our fellow college Ben Lucas (Nintendude4life) was doing a 48 Hour Stream to help raise money to keep the site going.

HNI_0001The stream came to an end yesterday around 2PM (GMT). Ben managed to keep people entertained throughout the night with special guests including Guy, SkullKid3 , Jordan and Pili01 helping him along with the stream.

The stream was great and it was great to see fellow gamers discussing games and talking utter rubbish which was also very entertaining.

As the majority of the site users will know that we are an independent site and we currently are not making any revenue compared to our competitors, so as a site its hard to keep going.

We thank all the donators that donated especially Robert lavender and Elisabeth Golding for donating the most. We really appreciate your support to keep Push-Start going and growing and we are pleased to say we have nearly reach our goal to keep Push-Start going for another year!
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As a special thank you to the donators, we are sending them a Lost Planet 2 Sir-Om-Nom-Nom figure!

We are pleased and grateful you chose Push-Start for your gaming and film news needs!

If you wish to donate anything to the site at all even if its £1/$ we would appreciate the support!

So from all the team at Push-Start we thank you! and hope you continue to Keep Pushing Start!

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