Sky Mason's Top 10 Games of 2010

Posted January 3, 2011 by darth jacen in PC, PS3, PSN, Wii, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Arcade

2010 was a fantastic year and I wanted to give my top 10 games. I understand that I am putting the games in order from 1 to 10, I figure I might as well start big and then get to the smaller games. Regardless, here is the list,

1. Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption is the best game of 2010. Rockstar uses a combination of pieces to reach the zenith of gaming in 2010. The narrative of Red Dead Redemption, arcs in fantastic ways; building from a slow start, into one of the greatest endings in video game history. In addition to narrative, the verisimilitude creates an amazing world, let alone the best western world created in the last ten years. The mechanics are another point in Red Dead’s favor, although they suffer from Rockstar’s refusal to move away from the Grand Theft Auto controls, they feel tighter and more accurate while shooting. In addition, the mission structure and gameplay enhancements from Grand Theft Auto IV shine through, exposing the flaws in Grand Theft Auto IV. All together with the pitch-perfect western feel, Red Dead Redemption is the best game of the year, if not the decade.

2. Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2 stood for nearly four months as the game to beat of 2010, and for good reason. From the first 10 minutes of the game, which stands as the best opening to a game I can recall, to the final suicide mission, Mass Effect 2′s story telling ups the ante. The new cast of characters and their new loyalty missions add depth to Shepard’s motley crew. With additions like the gorgeous Miranda and the singing Salarin doctor, it is easy to forget about the old cast, save the old characters that return or make cameos. Along with the save carry over mechanic, which is the most impressive gameplay innovation of the year, Mass Effect 2 does not just stand up to BioWare’s high standards, the game blows them out of the park.

3. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood

One of the most surprisingly great games of the year was Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. All year leading up to the game’s release, the multiplayer was the main thing totted. Although the multiplayer is inventive and entertaining, it still cowers in comparison to the near 17 hour narrative. In addition to adding 17 hours to the convoluted Assassin’s Creed story, the ending shocks and leaves the player feeling helpless and wanting more. With further refined controls and the new assassin recruiting system, Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood stands out as another glowing addition to the already impressive series.

4. Civilization V

Before this year, people called turn based strategy a dead genre, with only one game a year really coming out and helping to fend off the demise of the genre. This year revitalized the turn based strategy genre as Super Street Fighter IV did for fighters. Civilization V stands as one of the most addictive substances known to man, right after cocaine and World of Warcraft. With the addictive “One more turn!” play style and cleaned up user interface, there is no more refined strategy game out there today. This game is a must have if you ever dreamed of conquering other nations, leading an army, or becoming antisocial. I would explain in further detail, but I see Germany wants help demolishing France and I never did like that Napoleon guy.

5. Pacman Championship Edition DX

This next pick is a little bit odd. All the other games thus far have been AAA caliber releases, all of which have made millions of dollars… this next game is nothing like that. Pacman Championship Edition DX is one of the most finely tuned and fun games to hit the Xbox live market place, ever. Between cool music, plenty of new levels, and old school addictive Pacman, this game stands as the only game I ever earned a hundred percent achievement completion in, for a reason. Playing the demo alone will have you reaching for your wallet. Pacman Championship Edition DX is better than the original Pacman, which is already a staple in gaming’s lore.

6. Kirby’s Epic Yarn

Whimsy is an underrated quality in video games; one of the games of 2010 most filled with whimsy is Kirby’s Epic Yarn. The entire game leaves the player smiling and never cursing the often-challenging platforming. In addition, at the end of every level, Kirby transforms into something interesting, examples are a tank, a dolphin, or a UFO. With tight controls and the most joy inducing aesthetics in gaming, Kirby’s Epic Yarn stands as the best Wii game of the year.

7. Limbo

Limbo does something amazing in an era of massive explosions and book long narratives; it creates a world around the lack of all those common tropes. With ambient sounds and an atmospheric world, Limbo never feels old or contrived. In addition, the gruesome deaths of this child, which you control, causes real feelings of disgust and emotional pain whenever you fail and see the boy’s light bulb like eyes go black. The final sequence of Limbo stands as a top moment of 2010. For a mere $10, every gamer should play this short masterpiece.

8. Starcraft 2

12 years after one of the most iconic real time strategy games of all times, Blizzard brought the franchise back with a vengeance. Starcraft 2 starts with a compelling narrative, which flaunts masterful controls and gorgeous CGI to keep even the least interest real time strategy player enticed. Next, the multiplayer stands as the replacement for one of the most beloved games in multiplayer history. The ladder and matchmaking systems work extremely well and keep players winning around 50% in the skill level assigned to them. Overall, Starcraft 2 stands as a benchmark for all multiplayer real time strategy games to come.

9. Mafia 2

Mafia II stands as one of the least understood games of 2010, with an open world used as a setting rather than a site for content. Empire Bay is beautiful and feels alive, although it offers no real content besides acting as a backdrop. The missions and characters draw the player into the experience and create a connection to all the characters. All the parts together add to game and create one the most unique experiences of 2010.

10. Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain stands as the most cinematic game of the last decade. Through quick time events related to the action on screen and moving the controller to do on screen actions, no game in 2010 created more immersion than Heavy Rain. Although the game stumbled on some parts, overall the good outweighed the bad and formed one of the most innovative games of the year. There are no games with as good a solution to avoiding fail states and the endings all hit home, regardless of which you earn. By taking a risk, Quantic Dream created an experience everyone needs to play at least once.

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