Sonic Colours Preview

Posted June 16, 2010 by Jay Wheeler in Industry, Wii

Publisher: Sega Developer: Sonic team Multiplayer: No Platform: Wii

After the release of Sonic Heroes the Sonic franchise we all knew and loved died in front of our eyes. Sonic and the secret rings, Sonic and the black night and Sonic Unleashed. We were promised so much more but we were let down time after time. What different will colours be huh? Why can Sega throw in the towel!

While Sonic had slipped away from the video gaming world for the past 5 months Sega was working hard. But we all know what is going to happen right? They release very promising screen shots and then they announce the twist on the release date which ruins the entire game. The Werehog, The Sword. Why will colours be any different? Your about to find out….  sonice 1

Instead of telling us what is in the new Sonic game Sega have shown us look at some of the beautiful screen shots that have been released. This Sonic game isn’t 3D! Running, Jumping in a 2.5D environment looks amazing as much as you doubt, Sonic 4 will be the one, the one that rises from the ashes schedule for winter release, who isn’t looking forward to this cracking title!

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Sega have once again promised that Colours will take sonic back to his routes and this time.. dare i say i believe ’em. Why Colours? The main feature of the game is the Wisp’s there are multicoloured wisps and when sonic collects them he will get a power up but it doesn’t transform sonic into some weird blue pigs thankfully, for example the blue wisp allows sonic to climb walls and enemies its called “Lazer Envy” another example is the “Drill Bill” the yellow wisp allows Sonic to drill through Platforms.

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Some of the screenshots look 3D this is confirmed to be a few fancy camera angles and most of the game plays out in 2D or 2.5D clever eh?

You wanted Fast didn’t you well this is it you see the gauges in the bottom left of the screenshots well by holding the B button you will travel stupidly fast at never before seen sonic speeds.

Using the Wisp lazer ability also allows Sonic to travel incredibly fast as he is in Lazer form. However you wont be able to control sonic very well in this form as he is going way to fast. The drill works a lot like is does in Super Mario Galaxy 2 you can use this power up to find an alternative route to the ending and I’m assuming this will add replay value.


Sonic is finally back and he is faster than ever, As long as the levels play like Sonic Unleashed day stages I’m as happy as the next crazed Sonic fan boy.

1 comment

Jack Hatcher June 19, 2010 at 1:38 PM

I don't feel thats entirely fair. Sonic Heros was decent and the series progressed. Sonic and The Black Knight was very enjoyable as was the amazing DS title Sonic Chronicles. Sonic Unleashed was great when playing as sonic. The series will be revamped by Sonic 4 but this game is likely to fail.


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