5 Songs You Must Download For Rock Band

Posted March 3, 2010 by Marshall in PS3, Xbox 360


Had enough of the default songs on Rock Band and want more of a challenge? Or even just some fun new ones to try out? Here’s my top 5 recommendations (but feel free to add your own at the bottom!):

5. Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) The Offspring £1.36 (160 Microsoft Points)

Great fun for the singer (and of course for everyone listening to them sing). A catchy guitar riff and varied drum beat ensure that this song is enjoyable, but provides a challenge as well. That and the fact that it is a huge tune.

4. Tribute  Tenacious D – £1.36 (160 Microsoft Points)

Another one that gets the vote just for being a bit silly. The singer has great fun here, with the bizarre gibberish towards the end being an exceptional challenge, and the talking bit at the start being very funny. Has to be said that the drums take a while to get going, but they are great when they do, and the guitar solo provides a real challenge.

3. More Than A Feeling  Boston – £1.36 (160 Microsoft Points)

Probably more iconic than Pretty Fly, this song is mainly bought for the singer to embarrass themselves with the high pitched long notes that the lead singer of Boston seems able to churn out with no effort at all. The guitar and drum bits are a tad repetitive, but can be made a challenge when laughing at your friend gasping for breath as they attempt to reach the high notes!

2. Don’t Stop Believing Journey – £1.36 (160 Microsoft Points)

An absolute gem and has everything except perhaps the drums. Iconic words make this a rousing song to sing, as an individual or with a whole choir of you just don’t go and ruin the song for everyone else! The guitar is challenging, but once you get past the first insanely difficult bridge there shouldn’t be anything to trip you up too badly. In general, just makes you feel good and is perfect for groups!

1. Afterlife  Avenged Sevenfold – £1.36 (160 Microsoft Points)

Impossible so far as I can tell. The guitar notes are so close together that they appear to be chords, but not quite close enough that you can get away with playing them as chords. If you can play this song on Expert on guitar then you are a God. End of. Drums are no easier, with hands and feet most likely to fall off before the end of the song. A real challenge for anyone who thinks that Rock Band has nothing else to offer them!

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