And So The Teasing Begins…Alan Wake: Night Springs VGA Trailer Snippet!

‘Alan Wake: Night Springs’ is the follow up to last years Xbox 360 exclusive title ‘Alan Wake’, however this time it will be heading to the Xbox Live Arcade. While we will have to wait till December 10th to see the full trailer, as per usual (cue Spec Ops: The Line, Mass Effect 3) the Spike Video Game Awards (VGA’s) must first build our anticipation with a snippet from the full trailer! “Shakes Fist”

While early reception on this new direction was rather negative, mostly due to the delivery medium and pre-concieved notions of reduced quality, this video shows us that we shouldn’t be worried as it looks to set the bar for downloadable titles, styled in a very similar way to the original title.


I hope this new direction for the series will allow Remedy to further expand the story of the original game. As seen in the second downloadable content pack ‘The Writer’, there is a lot of space to further enhance the gameplay of the original. The unique mechanics involving using the ‘Words’ as weapons was effective, and the set piece near the end with the lighthouse was very impressive.

The full trailer for ‘Alan Wake: Night Springs’ will debut at the Spike VGA’s next month, with the game aiming for a release sometime in 2012.


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