Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition Launches Next Month

The slightly Street Fighter 2 sounding Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition launches onto the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and the Wii U next month on July 2nd, for only £11.99/€13.99

In the STC Edition, there comes an expanded story, which is an expanded version of the original game and contains all the downloadable content from the original too. New game areas like the Canal of Flowers and Volcano are included, as well as new enemies and bosses like the Trio of Death and new abilities, making use of the new INTENSO combat mode.


Set in and around a small village in Mexico, Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition is an action-packed, 2D brawler/platformer that alternates between the worlds of the living and the dead. Inspired by Mexican folklore, players take control of a down-on-his luck wrestler named Juan Aguacate, as he fights through hordes of undead enemies and skeleton henchmen to stop the evil Carlos Calaca from gaining ultimate power by sacrificing the beautiful “El Presidente’s Daughter”.

The game also contains chickens.

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